From the Archive: Traction Engine Photos (Part 1)
With the beginning of the preservation movement in the 1960s, the attraction to traction engines became one marked by a nostalgia for days gone-by. At Berrybrook Steam & Classics, we understand that this nostalgia is central to the continuation of the preservation movement, and collectively, what can be referred to as our ‘industrial heritage’.
To ensure the survival of this heritage, and to preserve and promote, as custodians, the history of these prestigious machines, we have collected and maintained a collection of archival material and memorabilia relating to traction engines and the early days of motoring.
Within this, an eclectic collection of traction engine related photographs, postcards and books offer an attractive resource telling the story of traction engines.
Shown in this blogpost, is a sample of the imagery contained within this collection, including some of our earliest postcards dating from 1911, to photographs taken during the 1960s, at the outset of the preservation movement. The photographs show iconic traction engines, including “Kitchener” (now The Iron Maiden), and Burrell Scenic Showman’s Road Locomotive General Gough, amongst others.
To see a full list of reference material held by Berrybrook, go to our Library.